Seville, Spain, 25-26 March 2019
International Extra Virgin Olive Oil Savantes will convene two events in Sevilla, Spain on 25 and 26 March 2019.
The first will be Savantes Varietals, a day when extra virgin olive oils from many varietals around the world will be tasted. This day will be ideal preparation for the National Team Tasting Championships to be held the following week in Priego de Cordoba, and the World Championship to be held in October 2019. Identification of varietal oils is a key element in the Savantes Skills Review which forms the basis of National Team Tasting Championships worldwide and Savantes Certification.
Competent tasting of a range of varietals is a competitive advantage for tasting panels. With the variation in production in traditional regions and the advent of oils from the Southern Hemisphere, understanding varietals from emerging regions is also important to buyers and retailers.
Innovative producers are looking to heritage and local varieties such as Alfafarenca, Blanqueta, Redondilla, Choraeao, Corregiolo, Chetoui, Don Carlo to add interest to their range. High density groves are bringing on hitherto little-known varietals such as Arbosana, Arroniz, Tosca and Favalosa.
The Savantes Renaissance Conference will discuss topics brought forward by individuals to provide sustenance to what many see as an ailing industry. Beset by regional decline in consumption, competition from engineered vegetable oils, challenging climates and pestilence, fast food, rising prices and negative publicity on fraud, the olive oil industry needs a ‘reboot’.
Constrained by tradition, vested interest, politics and other limitations, it is hard for the mainstream players to work collectively on a Renaissance programme. Often ideas come from those committed to the industry but independent of these constraints. The Savantes Conference will encourage presentations and discussion of changes in the industry mindset to look for positive flavour attributes before defects, new packaging, using modern social media and changing the mindset of producers in the most conservative regions to be more aware of consumer preferences.
Together the two days will be refreshing, bringing together new flavours and ideas which together with competent and innovative operators will start to have an impact on the international business of olive oil.
For the programme and Registration go to - Savante Varietals - Savantes Renaissance Conference