The Savantes New York programme has returned to its original date in March for 2018.
The move gives participants the opportunity to taste the freshest extra virgin olive oil from the Northern Hemisphere harvesting campaigns.
The format of the three-day programme has also been adjusted with all the presentations being completed in two days with the third day now devoted to the Savantes Review and Recognition, incorporating the skills test.
No presentations or exercises have been omitted, the start time and breaks have been adjusted to allow for the two-day schedule.
Four sessions of the skills tests on the third day will allow all those tasters who want their tasting ability and knowledge reviewed and recognised to participate in one session. Prior attendance at a Savantes programme is not a prerequisite for undertaking the Savantes Review.
Moderated across all countries by Savantes representatives, the newly named ‘Savantes Review and Recognition’ skills tests have become an important measure of tasting ability and knowledge. The Associate Savante certification is set at a level which recognises core tasting capability with intensity rankings, defect detection and ranking and taste variation. Savante status is set at a higher level which shows a mastery of core skills and knowledge of the varietals from regions around the world.
Certification has helped advance the professional careers of tasters as well as selecting and training distributors and marketers.